Install Protocol

To illustrate the install protocol, first assume that the multisignature wallet owns 20 ETH and that the Free Balance application has recorded a balance of 10 ETH for both for Alice and Bob. Running the install protocol allows Alice and Bob to install an application where Alice and Bob both deposit 1 ETH to be disbursed based on the resolution logic of the application.

In this example, the application is Tic-Tac-Toe. You can see with the visual representation below that the funds available in the free balance decrease and the funds committed to the Tic-Tac-Toe application increase by the corresponding amount.



First we introduce a new type which we label InstallParams.

Type: InstallParams

NOTE: signingKeys are deterministically generated based on the nonce of the application in relation to the entire channel lifecycle. Further detail still to be provided in these specifications in the future. See this issue for discussion

NOTE: At the moment, this message requires that the hexidecimal value of peer1.address is strictly less than the value of peer2.address to enforce deterministic ordering of the signingKey variable in new application installs. This can be improved in the future

The Install Message

The InstallAck Message


Commitment for Install and InstallAck:

Let c1 and c2 be the amounts that parties 1 and 2 wish to contribute towards the application respectively. Then, the commitment should:

  • Updates the state of the free balance application to one where the first party's balance is reduced by c_1 and party the second party's balance should be reduced by c_2.

  • Makes a delegatecall to executeAppConditionalTransaction with a limit of c_1 + c_2 as also included in the terms.

The following parameters are included in the commitment:

The commitment can be visually represented like:

NOTE: Although not shown in the visualization, the order of transactions is important. The multiSend must encode the call to proxyCall before the call to executeAppConditionalTransaction.

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