State Machines

State Machine Based Applications

The following is a loose description of the concepts we use for an off-chain application. Most importantly, the AppRegistry is the actual contract that is responsible for adjudicating a challenge on-chain and it uses an App (defined using an AppDefinition) to handle cases where adjudication requires on-chain logic to determine state validity.

Table of Contents


We refer to the contract that adjudicates a dispute in a state channel application as the AppRegistry. This is the most fundamental contract for providing the security guarantees that off-chain state updates of the latest nonce and valid update status can be considered "final". It does this by implementing the challenge-response mechanism.

An app challenge exists in three main states or "statuses", namely ON, OFF and DISPUTE. The ON state represents the state where a dispute has not started, while the OFF state represents one where a dispute has finished (typically through moving to a terminal app state). In the Solidity code this is implemented as an enum:

enum AppStatus {

The AppChallenge struct (which is written to storage in AppRegistry) is the encapsulation of all the information needed to know what is the "latest" state pertaining to an application. The fields include status a hash of the application's state and a nonce.

struct AppChallenge {
  AppStatus status;
  bytes32 appStateHash;
  uint256 finalizesAt;
  uint256 nonce;

In addition, an app in a DISPUTE state has a finalizesAt field representing the block height after which the conditional transfer succeeds. Hence, the functions in AppRegistry.sol distinguish between four logical states: ON, DISPUTE, DISPUTE-TIMED-OUT and OFF.

The first two logical statuses (ON, DISPUTE) are also called “channel on”, and the other two (DISPUTE-TIMED-OUT, OFF) are called “channel off”.

TODO: enumerate methods defined on AppRegistry.sol that can change status


Counterfactual is opinionated in terms of which types of applications it supports being installed by supporting stateless contracts that implement the interface for an App as defined in the AppRegistry contract. To understand why these limitations exist, please refer to the Limitations of State Channels section.

The actual App functionality is isolated and defined in a single stateless contract referred to as the App Definition contract. This contract defines the data structure used for app state, typically a struct named AppState, as well as app logic through non-storage-modifying functions. By non-storage-modifying we mean that they cannot use the SSTORE instruction; this corresponds to the solidity function modifiers pure or view. To enforce this restriction, these functions are called through the STATICCALL opcode in the AppRegistry contract.

Up to four functions can be implemented. The signatures are as follows:

  • isStateTerminal: AppState → bool

  • getTurnTaker: AppState → uint256

  • applyAction: (AppState, Action) → AppState

  • resolve: AppState → Transfer.Transaction

In designing the framework we must try to achieve two sometimes contradictory goals. On the one hand, we wish to allow app developers to view application state as a structured data type, the same way the developer of a non-channelized dapp would interact with contract storage. On the other hand, the framework would like to treat application state as a blob of unstructured data. Current limitations around the Solidity type system sometimes put these in conflict; for instance, we enforce the limitation that the AppState struct must not be dynamically sized.

Another consequence is that the return type of resolve is actually bytes. We expect that application developers simply end their resolve function with something like

return abi.encode(nextState);

where nextState has type AppState.

In the future, improvements such as abi.decode will allow us to remove these and other restrictions and move to a cleaner API.

applyAction and getTurnTaker: The Application State Transition Function

If AppState defines the data structure needed to represent the state of an app instance, applyAction defines the app logic that operates on the app. In a Tic-Tac-Toe game, AppState represents the state of the board, and applyAction and getTurnTaker together implement the logic of Tic-Tac-Toe. The return value of getTurnTaker corresponds to an address which can unilaterally update the app state. This update is done through the applyAction function; the caller also specifies the type of update (e.g. placing an X at a certain place on the board) by passing in additional data of type struct Action (this struct is also defined by the app developer).


From certain app states, resolve can be called to return a value of type struct Transfer.Transaction (this is defined by framework code in Transfer.sol). This allows the state deposit assigned to the app to be reassigned, for e.g., to the winner of the Tic-Tac-Toe game.


Some app states are marked terminal. An app state a is terminal if there does not exist an action c such that applyAction(a, c) returns without throwing. In other words, the app state transition graph has no outgoing edges from a. Since we cannot statically check this property, the app developer can manually mark these states by making isStateTerminal return true for them, allowing us to skip one step of dispute resolution.

Note that this is an optimization; this function can always safely be omitted, at the cost that sometimes disputes would take longer than strictly necessary.

Last updated

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