Cleanup Protocol

NOTE: Notice that the stale-invalid state object has been removed from the previous figure shown in the Uninstall Protocol representing the effective "garbage collection" phenomena of the cleanup protocol

The cleanup protocol is a protocol that is periodically run to update the dependency of every active application to a newer root nonce version. In effect, it achieves the goal of O(1) constant time invalidation of outdated state put on-chain by resetting the state such that regardless of the number of historical / outdated apps that have been uninstalled, refuting their validitity on chain requires a single transaction.


NOTE: The dependency in the message exchange is important; it is not safe to sign the root nonce commitment without possession of all the active app commitments.

The CleanupInstall Message

The CleanupInstallAck Message


Commitments for CleanupInstall and CleanupInstallAck:

For each active application, a similar commitment to the one described in the Install Protocol must be generated. The commitment calls executeAppConditionalTransaction with a limit of c_1 + c_2 and a expected root nonce key of r + 1. Note that this is different from the install commitment in that it is not a multisend and does not set the free balance. Note that the free balance is also considered an active app. Here is an example of a commitment for a given app:

Then, finally, the commitment update the root nonce is simply:

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